Estudantes Dinamarqueses em Parelheiros

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Estudantes dinamarqueses vêm ao Brasil e dão uma volta pela selva paulistana

No último sábado dia 22, APA Capivari-Monos foi visitada por 42 estudantes da Dinamarca. Os estudantes de economia tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer a maior reserva de mata atlântica da cidade de São Paulo, nos distritos de Parelheiros e Marsilac.

Um passeio pela mata foi organizado por empresas locais que incluiu um banho nas quedas da cachoeira do sagüi, rio Capivari. – o ultimo rio não poluído de São Paulo.

A bio diversidade da APA Capivari Monos encantou os estudantes internacionais, cuja maioria nunca tinha estado em um lugar tão bonito e tranqüilo como aquele antes.

Abrigos de animais, espécies de flores, pegadas selvagens, ruínas de forno de carvão e outras coisas foram vistas antes de experimentarem a água fresca e gelada das quedas do Capivari – “Oasis e Sagui” – além de abraçarem a “Árvore-que-abraça”, um antigo mito indígena brasileiro que diz que a árvore poderia sugar todas as energias negativas daqueles que a dão um abraço.


Denmark in Parelheiros,

Campus Brasil hore the travel agency, FLORESTA PAULISTANA ECOTURISMO E VIAGENS, through Ana Paula Meira Barros  from BRT Consultoria ( to operate a tour with 42 Danish Uni students in APA (environmental area protection) CAPIVARI MONOS, Marsilac District.

The economics students from Denmark, had as objective watching the economics relations at a conservation unit in a great city.

Parelheiros has been becoming an attraction  centre to several international students due to its rural potential and water production (output), besides concentrating the largest preserved Atlantic rainforest reserve of São Paulo city.

DANIELA COKE, head of FLORESTA PAULISTANA, has been specializing herself to welcome and assist the international students demand in Parelheiros.

To do so, she had to hire several services from other local companies, such as: SILCOL ECO POUSADA (service car and trilingual tour guide), GILTUR (touristic transportation), AMOAAPA (local tour guides) and FAZENDA MARAVILHA (Sagui and Oasis falls, coal oven trail).


Danish students come to Brazil and walk through São Paulo´s jungle.

Last Saturday 22, APA Capivari Monos was visited by 42 students from Denmark. The economics students had the opportunity of knowing the largest Atlantic rainforest reserve of São Paulo city, in Parelheiros and Marsilac Districts.

A tour through the jungle was organised by local companies which included a bath at Sagui falls, Capivari river – the last non-polluted river of São paulo.

APA Capivari-Monos biodiversity has enchanted the international students whose most of them had never been to such a beautiful and peaceful place like that before.  

 Animal shelters, flower species, wild footprints, coal oven ruins and stuff were seen before trying a fresh cold water from Capivari falls - "Oasis" and "Sagui" - besides hugging the "Tree-that-hugs", an ancient brazilian indian myth, which says that the tree could suck all the bad vibes and energy from those who gives a hug to it.